Yin Haolong (He/Him) is a berlin-based chinese dance artist and somatic bodyworker. He teaches yoga, dance and bodywork with his nomadic school Stillness in Motion, both in China and around the world.

Currently he is busy with de-certificate/de-learning himself. He asks, what if "who I am" is not a fixed identity in this text, but an ongoing question with multifaceted answer in the process of asking this very question. Here is an essay to read more about his background and experience.

To stay in touch:

Email haolongyin [at] gmail [dot] com

Instagram: @stillnessinmotion.berlin

Facebook: @stillnessinmotionberlin

Telegram: https://t.me/+lakvW5LYHo4wZGNl

Newsletter https://tinyletter.com/haolongyin
